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Friday, July 14, 2006


A blog post. It's a, there were a lot of little leaks in my game mazing, I know. So, after basically a two month layoff, I really haven't got all that much to report. I'm in the middle of a slight downswing, but I've been getting my money in almost every time as a heavy favorite. Variance's wonders never cease. As I took a lot of time off from the middle of May to the middle of June, there were a lot of little leaks in my game, and I paid off many small bets that I shouldn't have. Going through those little pains again, while frustrating, was a relatively cheap way of re-emphasizing the imporatnce of not just winning pots, but also saving bets.

I haven't played much in the way of tournaments or live poker during this time either. I've focused mainly on my NL holdem cash games as well as some 3-6 and 5-10 Omaha 8. There were a number of times that I sat down to write but just didn't have the drive to do it for some reason or another, but I think part of it was just being tired of writing mostly about poker. I think that there will be a focus on writing on a wider range of topics, just for the sake of doing something a little different and maintaining my interest in writing again.

Politics and drinking seem to be the two most likely topics to be covered in addition to poker. But for now I thought it important to at least sit down and get something out into the blogosphere again. Hopefully with this return to writing will come a return to more passionate play of poker, because I still have much to learn and accomplish in this game.

A more expansive post to follow at the beginning of the week.

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